
Missing Parts

Today I walked by a full-length mirror and recoiled with horror. I have lost my ankles.

Now, it may look cute on a baby (see left), but on me - oh, the horror!

My feet have been my one glory throughout my life. I was blessed with pleasing foot bone structure, and I have always taken great pride in showing off my feet in sandals, flip-flops, etc. while weather-appropriate. I am glad that it is cold, so my feet can go into hiding!

In the last probably two weeks, I have begun the uncomfortable portion of the pregnancy. My belly is now fully expanded. My belly button went missing first.

Now the swelling in my feet and ankles has begun.

1 comment:

Danielle said...

HI! I haven't been here in a while and just saw this post that mentions you are pregnant!

Congratulations!!! Hope everything is going well- I'll keep reading...