
What I've Done - Part Two

Here is the second installment of my list. This one, Dear Internet, promises to be much harder.

51. Got bit by a llama
52. Planted a rose that actually bloomed
53. Won the annual family NCAA basketball tournament picks competition
54. Became a hockey fan
55. Went 4-wheeling in the snow
56. Fed an ostrich
57. Rescued a dog
58. Painted a piece of furniture
59. Took a photo of the beach at sunrise
60. Hemmed a pair of pants
61. Assembled a bookshelf
62. Became a Pampered Chef(TM) consultant
63. Created a scrapbook (okay, created a scrapbook SERIES)
64. Gave away something I wanted
65. Remembered a dream
66. Slept through a movie
67. Found a whole seashell
68. Called a friend that I had not spoken to in ages for no reason
69. Taught a teenage Sunday School class
70. Put together a substantial music collection
71. Read book after book after book
72. Photoshopped my picture
73. Won a card game
74. Won the lottery ($2.00 - woo-hoo!)
75. Visited a 3-year-old with cancer, and later attended her funeral (this was the saddest event I have witnessed and it affected me profoundly)
76. Made a basket
77. Thought out of the box
78. Moved to a place with no Target in a 40 mile radius
79. Walked on the Golden Gate Bridge
80. Touched Josh Groban
81. Owned a piece of designer clothing
82. Sang in a community chorus
83. Fell in a parking lot in front of an audience
84. Took an astronomy class
85. Went bowling as an adult with kiddie bumpers in the gutters
86. Rode in a limousine to the airport
87. Got called down in go-cart racing for aggressive driving
88. Went window-shopping in a quaint town
89. Spent an afternoon lying in a hammock
90. Played miniature golf and kept the golfball as a souvenir
91. Picked up trash on the lake shore
92. Rode in the police boat at full speed
93. Toured the MOMA
94. Toured the Met
95. Climbed a tree
96. Rode in one of those carriages pulled by a biker
97. Canoed down a river
98. Went to Disney World
99. Watched a waterfall
100. Enjoyed time in the moment with the people I love

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